Answering Sonam

Sonam’s question generated a good deal of discussions. And, most of you argued that we, elected officials – ministers and MPs alike – should not wear our kabneys and patangs after completing our terms in office. Similarly, almost all of you who took the poll that asked, “Should elected MPs and ministers continue to wear their "kabneys" after their terms in office?” voted against the idea. A resounding 220 of you said “NO”; only 18 said “YES”. I agree with the majority. But should we, in fact, take it still further? Should we do away with colour-coded kabneys and…

Sonam’s question

Last month, Sonam Ongmo, who blogs and tweets from New York, asked her readers: have a Q 4 Bhutanese. What happens to orange scarf 4 elected ministers after they leave office? This is a pertinent question. And we should discuss it. So send me your comments. And take the poll.